What do our Christmas traditions and symbols mean?
I appreciated these reminders of what our Christmas symbols mean, so that even though I know not everyone may think of these things in relation to Christmas stars, red and green, etc., at least I can be reminded of why Christmas is so important when I view these symbols. I am so grateful for the birth, life & example, sacrifice & resurrection of my Savior, Jesus Christ.
STAR: A sign of promise. God had promised a Savior for the world and the star was a sign of fulfillment of that promise.
RED: The first color of Christmas. It was first used by the faithful people to remind them of the blood that was shed for them by the Savior. Red is a symbol of the gift of God.
CHRISTMAS TREE: Green is the second color of Christmas. The pure green color of the fir tree stays green year round. This represents our promise of everlasting life. All the needles point upward, just as our thoughts should point toward Heaven.
THE BELL: The lost sheep are found by the sound of a bell. The bell can encourage men to 'return to the fold'. All are precious in the sight of the Lord.
THE CANDLE: The candle 'shows man's thanks for that star of long ago'. Originally, candles were placed on trees and in windows to remind them of the star of David. Now we use lights instead of candles, but they hold the same meaning.
THE BOW: The bow tied around each gift reminds us that 'we should all be tied to our brothers in the bonds of goodwill to each other'. The bow sends us a message of good will forever.
THE CANDY CANE: The Shepherd's staff. The crook on the staff brings strayed sheep back to the flock. The candy cane symbolizes that we are our brother's keeper.
THE WREATH: The eternal nature of love. 'It never ceases, stops, or ends. It is a continuous round of love, like eternity.'
SANTA CLAUS: 'The gift of love and of life, the ending of evil, the ceasing of strife.'
Saturday, December 15, 2007
What do our Christmas traditions and symbols mean?
Friday, December 14, 2007
Looking for some laughter?
Please watch this SNL clip (and yes, it's clean) ... Paul and I laughed so hard at this (and I don't think we were just slaphappy, but then again, who knows) .... Will Forte's part is the funny part, then it is followed by a Jack Black song that really isn't as funny.
Anyhow, watch it! (It wouldn't let me post as a video, so copy the link here. Apparently it won't work as an active link either, but I promise it's worth the work!):
Toupe for the little one?
Paul has made up a new nickname for Taya: 'Toup' (sounded out as TUPE), short for 'Toupee', yes, as in a man's Toupee or hairpiece.
Can you see why?
Apparently, a little hairloss on the sides is cause enough for a father to nickname his daughter 'Toup'. Is there such thing as Rogain for babies?
.... Are we mean or what?
Friday, November 30, 2007
And the Dr. Says ...
A lot of you know that after Taya was born, the doctors thought she might have a problem with her hip called Hip Dysplasia. Well after several check-ups with the Orthopedic Surgeon and several ultrasounds/X-rays done on her hips, the Dr. officially proclaimed Taya's hips as NORMAL yesterday at her last check-up! Things had been looking pretty good from her ultrasounds/x-rays recently, but it was just nice to hear the Dr. say that she is officially in the clear. Hip Dysplasia is basically when the ball of the hip does not stay in place - in socket because the socket itself is too shallow (if that makes any sense).
Now Taya has better things to do like pull on her toes and roll over!!
And we are certainly grateful for that!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
More Random Things ...
Aren't you glad that this world has color? It adds beauty and interest to literally everything!!! I love color in scenery. I love natural greens, blues, beiges, reds ... not to mention the thousands of colors splashed about in flowers and landscape around the world. The colors found in various foods are even fascinating (okay, am I sounding dorky enough here?). And if you didn't guess - I love color because of what it does for interiors! We can describe ourselves through our homes (as well as our clothes, our cars, our make-up, the exterior of our homes) with color, and we can create a certain 'feel' that we're longing for. I love the calming and subtle effect that our family room, living room and hallway have on us with their gray greens. What if God had created an all gray or all white or all black world? I think life would actually be significantly different. So thank goodness we have color!
Anyhow, that's my random thankful note for the moment. After all, who says we shouldn't be grateful after Thanksgiving?
Monday, November 19, 2007
Another thing to be grateful for...
(Now maybe I can just show it more by exercising more regularly!)
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
One random thing I'm thankful for...
Water. Isn't it one of those simple things we take for granted? You know those times when you're so thirsty that gulping down that glass of water feels like you've practically had your life saved? I was drinking a glass of water the other night and just thought - Man, I love water, isn't it amazing? It's almost like a magical liquid that God gives us - it's clear, beautiful in mass amounts, very good for us, and it hardly tastes so it's not like anyone could dislike it. I should post a cool picture of water and start posting things I'm thankful for during this Thankful month. (Yes these were my thoughts - it was very late at night).
Well, I couldn't post a picture of water because they're all copyrighted, but look at this website if you feel like looking at great art based around photographs of water. http://www.liquidsculpture.com/fine_art/index.htm
Okay, can you tell I'm desparate for post ideas?
And this is why I'm teased ...
Just so you know, Jana loves me most.
Sidenote: If some of us 'tease the ones we love the most', then I am loved most by a lot of people!! Especially my siblings and some of my college friends! And definitely my husband.
Not that I'm flattering myself or anything.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Belated Halloween Pics!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Destined to be the 'clingy girlfriend'?
Please advise: These pillows are for decoration only and not for use.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Me? Alert??
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
He had a question for me?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I know - one of these is blurry, but it shows her smile best! Yes, Taya started smiling at us a couple of weeks ago and it is so cute! She smiles more and more, but it is still rare enough that Paul and I call each other into the room to come see it all the time. Her coos and goos and gaahhs are also the funnest things to hear.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
7 Random Things About Me
So Melanie 'tagged' me on a different list, but I'm going to choose this list off of her profile instead ... this should be pretty easy because I have forever been a random person .... let's see what we come up with:
1. I found out recently that when referring to 'Eggo' waffles, I always say 'Leggo My Eggo' - but not knowingly ... Paul pointed it out recently and then I caught myself saying it again today when my sister asked what I was doing on our phone conversation & I told her I was eating 'Leggo My Eggos'
2. I had a lisp on my S's until I was age 12; I said them like the little red headed boy, Winthrop on the movie 'Music Man' -- maybe not quite as badly as him, but even as I say that I'm thinking 'well, probably just as bad'
3. I am double jointed: I can put my elbows in front of my body and if I flip my hair over my face, it looks like the back of my body. I can also stand with my legs facing outwards and keep my knees touching and still have 1' of space between my heels -- you'd have to see it to make sense I'm sure ... and there is more
4. I can't be short; i.e. That intro; I made a conscious decision to make it short & it was still a bit long ... as in I over explain things ... and different friends have made me so aware of it in the past that I am often consciously trying to shorten things instead! .... and this is one fine example where I didn't shorten it! (This can't have made sense to anyone)
5. I chopped my bangs off when I was 4 and my mom decided the only thing left to do with my hair was chop it all off ... so I looked like a little boy wearing girl clothes while I was 4 & 5 yrs. old. My older siblings called me things like Brian ... & Breanne the Man ... just one example of the youngest child teasings I received - yep, I'm milkin it now huh?
6. I had hideous teeth as a youngin - I suppose a lot of kids do for a little while, but I even had an extra tooth comin out the top above one of my other front side teeth -- thank goodness for braces (2 1/2 yrs.)
7. Among things I wanted to be growing up (even currently or until recent years with a couple of them), I wanted to be a dentist, a broadway performer, a cosmetologist, a wedding planner, a high school counselor, a screen writer for commercials, a music therapist, perhaps secretly a singer or actress, a voice teacher, a photographer, a news anchor, run a performing arts/dance studio with my dance friends, an interior designer/decorator ...... and I think the list goes on
Did I mention that I can't keep things short & I tend to over explain??
Maybe later I will do a 'Random Things list about Paul' .... watch out Paul!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Mother To Child
Mother To Child
By Carol Lynn Pearson
Your little fist
Fits mine
Like the pit
In a plum.
I think,
In the time
Before remembering,
These two hands
Clasped companionably,
Then parted.
Help me, child.
Forgive me
When I fail you.
I'm your mother,
But in the end
Merely an older equal
Doing her faltering best
For a dear
Small friend.
You know you've been housebound when ...
You know you've been housebound when you have no idea what day or date it is.
You know you've been housebound when you have no idea what the weather is like (although who's guessing, it's between 107 Degrees & 117 I'm sure).
You know you've been housebound when you primp to go out and get the mail (and this is the only way you know what the weather is like).
And ........
You know you've been housebound when ... you're watching a sitcom with your husband and you laugh hard outloud ... and the sitcom joke you laughed at was so dumb that your husband looks over at you and honestly asks 'What?' ..... and you sheepishly say, 'well I thought that joke was funny .... at the time'
(I'm sure some of you have a million 'You know you've been housebound when .....' - any challengers?)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Wink & a Smile
Maternity Photos
These are a couple of many photos that my friend Jana took of me a week and a half before I had Taya. Jana is truly talented at photography & asked me if I would be her guinny pig for practicing maternity photos. I said sure! This one bares the belly a little bit, but I decided to post it anyway b/c it is one of my favorites and shows Jana's great skills.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Whatever comes to my mind...
Hmmm ... let's see how well I keep this blog up! Well that intro makes people maintain their interest I'm sure!
Don't you wish there were more dynamics to use in typing than exclamation points -- and even happy faces? I always find myself using both of these and looking at it like - no, that misrepresents what I'm trying to say ... especially with those smiley faces, I feel so cheesy (and some friends would love to tell me how I am), but they just don't describe what I'm trying to say, but they seem to be the only option sometimes :) :) :) :) I should look into patenting a whole new set of typing dynamics (should I end that with an exclamation point or smiley face? - neither would do it quite right, but neither would a simple period) .... !
Well, here we go: What's going on in our lives right now? Oh that's right - TAYA .... our beautiful little 3 week old Taya Kathryn Johnson (pronounced Teh-ya, not Ty-ah). She is so cute & lovable! And that I do - I love my little baby girl! I think I'm in love too!
Our little darling is starting to give us some 'parental experience' in the evenings. She wants to eat, but she doesn't; she wants to sleep, but she doesn't, she wants to be held, but does she really? .... she wants to cry, and she does. Well, I didn't mean to go right into that -- perhaps I shouldn't even have mentioned it. I will say though - that it is pretty amazing how things are different when it is your own child; instead of getting annoyed when your daughter cries, you just want to solve the problem & nurture her instead. I like that feeling.
We enjoy our days - and nights with Taya beyond measure. Paul is being such a good dad & husband! I didn't know just how helpful he was going to be! I appreciate it so much!
Taya is learning very quickly. She is following high contrasting images with her eyes very well and should be ready to work on the alphabet & numbers by next week for sure. I need a bumper sticker on my car that says 'Honor Roll Baby on Board'. Has anyone seen where I can buy one?
I'll let you know how the alphabet & numbers go next week. Expect big things!
(do people sign their names at the end of their blogs? Probably not - I'm new to this - but I suppose I can do whatever I want! It's my blog!)