Sunday, January 25, 2009


There is this character on the show Arrested Development named Bob Loblaw
(we've watched some episodes on ; go there if you haven't yet; you can watch shows, series, movies, for free! It's great!).

Say it again. Bob Loblaw. You laughing now? Oh, I love that name. It makes me laugh every time I say it or think about it.

So the next series of laughs to go along with my precious Bob Loblaw corner of my mind to make myself laugh when I need a smile is this. Ever since I've heard that character's name, I keep thinking of blogging talk as blahblah-ing talk. And it goes something like ....
'BlogBlahBlah....BlogBlogBlah Blah..BOBLOBLAW..
blogblogblahblahblogblogblah blahBLOGBLOGBLAHBLAH!'

You know what I'm talking about right? You keep a blog & your friends or family members don't; and some of your conversation topics with them have to do with a funny story or recommended recipe or product that you just happened to see on such and such blog, and the minute you even reference that blog in passing, you see their eyes glaze over (even on the phone, you can hear the glazing take place), then all of the sudden your talking turns into ... '...blogblahblah ... blogblogblahblah...................'

Now I constantly amuse myself going back and forth between Bob Loblaw & BlogBlahBlah in my head.

Just wait, it'll come to you. And when it does, it'll make you smile.

After you've read this post, next time you're referring to such and such on your blog in conversation, even if it's just in passing, you might be thinking...

'BlogBlahBlah....BlogBlogBlah Blah..BOBLOBLAW..
blogblogblahblahblogblogblah blahBLOGBLOGBLAHBLAH!'


XO said...

SO true. It's usually Joel's eyes glazing over...although it happens when I talk about pretty much anything, but it seems to happen much quicker when it comes to blogging.

Denise said...

All I know is now I'm going to have BlogBlahbla stuck in my head all day. Which may make me laugh a couple times but by the end of the day it mixed with the girls' whining and Luc screaming may send me straight to the nuthouse. Thanks Breanne!

Janalee said...

breanne? Have you been drinking...again?

Lauren said...

Oh, Breanne. Some things never change (in a good way).

Breanne said...

Guess I forget how quirky I am sometimes.

Don't you think Bob Loblaw is funny though?

By the way, Lauren is saying that with years experience - she was my college roomate & friend starting from freshman year.

Anonymous said...

you should start a law blog.

Shadow Of Me said...

:) Thank you So much Breanne for making me smile with your BlogBlah Blah.........couple of minutes back I just posted my Dear Diary and mentioned that I am sad today.....And before signing out I just thought to check out if you made any new post and here I am smiling.......Thank you so much....I have not seen BOBLOBLAW but BlogBlahBlah is cool....