Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy Anniversary Paul!!


Happy 3rd Anniversary to us!!

I'm a very lucky girl Paul!




Janalee said...

What a special day. btw, I love the new curly hair Paul. Don't forget to post about Shabu tonight and how you liked it, how the waitress treated you, what you wore, etc.

Shannon said...

Breanne, that is the cutest video! Love the picture too! Congratulations!!! Have a great anniversary.

Shannon said...

Congrats Breanne and Paul! The video is so cute! You look so great in the photo too.

Janalee said...

How was Shabu?

Janalee said...

is this working?

Bianca said...

Breanne - you are so pretty! Even when you're making faces ;P

Alexandra and Benjamin said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! I really like that photo of you guys. Where did you get that hottie dress? And, may I just say (?), I wish we were closer geographically. Then I would come over (so I wouldn't have to hang out alone) and babysit the little gal so you guys could go on a date.

Kim said...


I found your blog as I was looking thru some other blogs. Your little girl is beautiful! And Happy Anniversary! It has been some time since we have seen you guys. Check out our blog to see our handsome little man.


Lynette said...

you are too cute! And by cute I mean that Breanne is GORGEOUS, and Paul is funny for tricking you!