My Husband has mancrush's on...
(this is not quite like it sounds ... ever since Paul found out that Brad Pitt is part architect and heading up a project in New Orleans for new homes [environmentally friendly modern architecture], Paul has joined the Women's bandwagon of Brad Pitt fans - okay, maybe not the Women's bandwagon, as it is for different reasons).

Brett Dennen
(a singer)

Brett Dennen
(a singer)

I am defining Mancrush (there, I even put it in a blue font to show that having a Mancrush is still manly): When a man takes special interest in another man (I think almost always someone in the media - someone they don't actually know - usually an athlete) ... Maybe that Mancrush shows up on TV and your husband suddenly loses interest in everything else but his mancrush. Your husband gets a special gleam in his eye anytime he sees his mancrush on tv, etc. Someone mentions his mancrush in a conversation and your husband's ears perk up - 'who, what? ... 0h yeah, did you hear about .... blah blah ... the he (insert Mancrush's name here) did recently .... that was so cool'.
C'mon, seriously, I know Paul is not the only one, I've had conversations about this with friends. Who does your husband, brother, etc. have a MANCRUSH on?
Okay, Paul, you can post anything embarrassing about me that you want to now (within some sort of humane limits please).
FRIENDS PLEASE: If you don't see me at church this Sunday, please start a search for me, for fear that Paul has locked me away somewhere. ;) ;) ;)
C'mon, seriously, I know Paul is not the only one, I've had conversations about this with friends. Who does your husband, brother, etc. have a MANCRUSH on?
Okay, Paul, you can post anything embarrassing about me that you want to now (within some sort of humane limits please).
FRIENDS PLEASE: If you don't see me at church this Sunday, please start a search for me, for fear that Paul has locked me away somewhere. ;) ;) ;)
Art would kill me if I wrote such a thing about him. (And he would never admit to a man crush) So I really hope to see you Sunday.
But I know we have woman-crushes so I'd say it's normal all across the board.
Maybe I shall state a few of the very MANLY things Paul likes to do (because seriously he is definitely a GUY'S GUY):
Rockclimbing, hiking, basketball, water polo, watching basketball & football, etc., 4 wheeling/offroading, building and fixing things, woodwork, camping, BBQing, and the list goes on...
Oh and believe me, he doesn't admit to these, I can just see it in him when he gives such admirable attention to these MANLY MEN.
Mike has a man crush on paul ----hehe--- just kidding. Mike crushes on objects not people.
Jarom's man crushes: Matt Leinart and Steve Nash.
Oh my gosh: how could I forget Steve Nash? He is definitely a Man Crush for Paul!!
Melanie, people are making it out like our husbands are the only ones with Man Crushes and that is just plain not true.
John admires Jack Johnson and Steve Nash.
Haha. I asked Mike when he got home who he had a man crush on. His reaction was quite funny like I was accusing him of being physically and emotionally attracted to the opposite sex.... then I had to read your posting... hilarious. I hope he doesn't give Paul too much crap now... If a copy of brokeback mountain shows up @ your doorstep.... it wasn't me, it was Mike!
I know. I'm wondering if this was too mean now, but I teased Paul before hand saying that I was going to do this - I just don't know if he believed me. I said he can get back at me though right?
Mike seeing this could be a very bad thing. Take it easy on him Mike. You know you probably have a man crush too.
And Shannon - yes, 'admires' is the real word for it, but some of us like to call that a Man Crush just to have something to tease our husbands about. :)
Adam definitely has a man crush on Brad Pitt. They could get together and bond over Brad Pitt.
No shame, Paul! Matt's got man crushes on the food network guys. Mainly Alton Brown, Bobby Flay. Maybe he'd love me more if I could grill or something!?
I'm on Paul's side on this one because I've got a Mancrush on Lance Armstrong. Any guy not man enough to admit they have a Mancrush isn't comfortable with their own sexuality (i.e. Mike).
I asked Joel who he has a mancrush on and he said, "what's a mancrush" so I read him your definition of when a man takes special interest in another man. He didn't think even for a second before he said "phil."
Not a celebrity, not someone he's never met, but "Phil," a friend of ours. Creepy. I always knew there was something going on there....
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