Doesn't my blog posting just keep you on your toes? (That's a semi-nice way of acknowledging my recent lack of posts) ...
I notice the less that I post, the less I post - make sense? When Paul is home and working on our computer so much of the time and we're juggling busy schedules, blogging gets put on the back burner whether I mean to or not. And then even when I have time to blog, I'm just not even in the mode, you know yo? Did I just say 'yo'? I'm white aren't I? Like white-white, with freckles? Well, what can I say, it just came out? Anyway, back to my point ... that was .... oh, I guess I hadn't really made a clear point or story or moral of quirky story yet, so we'll correct that with .. to start with a point...
Rejuvenation. Last weekend and today I had some much needed rejuvanation. Especially today. Why did I need rejuvenation you ask? -- interior design internship, Classy Closets designing/follow-up/meetings, sorting out a mess of insurance denials for Taya to see needed Medical Specialists, juggling all this while attempting to take care of Taya and all the norm, church callings, while Paul continues to juggle a house remodel, a shutter piece work job, multiple architectural and furniture design projects - in the hopes of earning future commissions ... and then some! But I'm enjoying my interior design internship and really hope to help friends, family, strangers with home projects over time (maybe business projects too!). I do miss Taya (for the most part) while I am there working, but I keep going off the feeling that this internship has felt good for me/us - even if it is just for me to be reminded of how much I love my little one and want to be with her. We've been feeling a bit frazzled with this new combination of weight responsibilities, but I think we've just found a way to balance it and remove a tiny bit of the load (though some new portions were just added) ... I'm not a super routine oriented person by nature, but in the last month, I have been wanting to create some routine and set aside time for quality connecting with Paul and Taya. Finished Addition: So some of the much needed rejuvenation we found a couple of weeks ago was through camping in beautiful tall pines with friends, including a beautiful lake hike and fishing, and then my personal favorite -- spending a good full day with Jessica & Melanie and all of our kids, these are two of those priceless people in my life, and it is so nice to live a short drive's distance from them. It was just one of those days for me that was purely happy. And I needed that.
We all need a lil' bit of that rejuvenation sometimes (occassionally we think we don't, pretending that it won't be worth putting duties on hold, but it is not only needed, but usually far more important!)
Updated note: ... Have found some time to have FUN with Taya - she loves swimming these days, and she amazes me more and more all of the time - still trying to create that routine and set aside some date time with Paul.