Once upon a time, long, long ago... I had long, long hair, past the middle of my back.
Photo courtesy of Jana's photography.
But then! Choppedy Chop! I cut 13+ inches right off! (I just about can't handle this theme writing I'm doing - but we'll go with it)

That picture could be showing
the shock of me chopping so much off ...
or no, wait... it could also be showing
my shock when I picked up the ponytail and not knowing the hairband was wrapped so loosely around it, watched
ALL of my hair fall to the floor in every possible direction before my eyes! Aaarrrgghhhhh!! Anyway, I thought I had gotten over that, but apparently not. So hence the reason it looks like a rat's nest in that picture too (it was this nice clean pontytail before the tragic fall - still kinda gross I know. I'm donating it - so hopefully they'll except a ponytail that's been put back together)
You saw the long before of it, so here is the short after of it. And tell me, does my niece, Sophi, (age 9) look like she could be my daughter? Once I cut my hair, both my brother and sister-in-law said, 'Whoa! You look even MORE like our daughter now!' (she had just recently cut her hair too, and we've always been told we look alike - actually I don't think this particular picture shows it as much though).
So, is old news still good news? Because this is old news. I did it over 3 weeks ago. Why the wait? My parents have been out of town for 3 weeks - I wanted to surprise them when they returned, and I was afraid they might check my blog before then.
So I'm having fun with my new haircut - quite a change, full-on bangs and short hair. Oh yeah, and guess who I got the cut from. Just guess. ...
Okay, I'll tell you ... Nicole Richie! For some reason that just makes me laugh. I didn't exactly forsee myself choosing a Nicole Richie kinda look, but here we are!
Enough about my hair! So Vein! To finish this off, I just have to mention that when my parents arrived from their trip, their return date was their 40th anniversary!
40 Years!!!!!! Wow.
Congratulations. 40 years is a long time - that takes a lot of work and commitment no matter who you are. So as family we waited at the airport for them with balloons and a grandchild-made 40th Anniversary Sign. The next day we had a very nice and really, really tasty dinner with flowers, cards, and of course the classic 'You are Special' plate for them. Congrats Mom & Dad! !
We love you.