So the other day I was in the waiting room at our Dr.'s office with Taya sitting asleep in her car seat next to my feet. She was still wearing her sleeper (7:15 am) which was pink (slightly reddish, but still PINK). The man next to me was trying to make small talk (I am assuming - because otherwise why would he say this?) and he asked ...
"Is that a boy?"
Me: "No she's a girl"
And he said, "Oh, I saw that she was wearing pink, but she looked like a boy."
End of story.
(except when I pulled the sun cover back to show her to him a little more, he commented that she had more hair than what he could see - but still ........)
This reminded me of a story from when Taya was just a couple of months old and I was holding her in the Baby Bjorn carrier facing forward while making a deposit at the bank. While I stood there 3 feet away from the 20-something-year-old teller, he stared at Taya for a minute and asked ...
"Is IT a boy or a girl?"
Guess what. Taya was wearing a mesh headband with a bow smack dab on the front center of her head and staring at him from almost eye level. Believe me, when or if I have a boy, he will not be wearing a bow headband (I'm picky about the few bows, etc. that Taya does wear).
Of course I make fun of these clueless men in these stories, but I've had plenty of times where I just ask about a stranger's baby and find a way to have them refer to it as a he or a she because I feel clueless, but these stories were SO obvious ...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
That boy sure looks good in pink...
Sunday, April 27, 2008
You kiddin me?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Enlightened 30?
Thirty Something?
Yep, 30 - 3.0. That's what Paul is! (Now you know)
We celebrated Paul's somewhat dreaded, (but turned out happy) 30th birthday a week and a half ago (yep, I am way late on this post, let alone any recent post. After two or three attempted posts on the birthday boy - I had dug out sweet pics of him from his study abroad - hippy lovin', longer hair than he has now, rock climb every chance he got, live off one outfit and two pairs of underwear while seeing the world days in Italy ..... then the pics kept freaking out on me when I would go to post them, and then the computer went crazy on me .........) anyhow, now I am finally posting on the birthday boy). We went camping and rock climbing for Paul's birthday. This first pic is of Paul's old rock climbing days, but I thought it was pretty cool (we'll pretend he didn't help me pick it out). The 2nd and 3rd pics show our birthday camping/climbing adventure! And then there is Paul pushing Taya on a swing during a lunch picnic where Taya and I went to meet him during his work day. Paul is such a playful and loving dad. Taya loves him so much, and so do I :) ... aawwww...
Then there is a picture of Paul working outside of our garage, painting baseboards that he is going to install in our bedrooms/bathrooms soon. In addition to installing our bamboo floors, smooth texturing our walls and ceilings, making Taya's crib, taking charge of home organization (yes, I know, I am the closet/storage designer & I don't do it? .. a little sad), installing ceiling fans, and lots of other home improvement tasks, Paul has cut, routed, painted and installed all of our baseboards. I am really grateful for his huge initiative, talents, and work ethic. It's too bad for him I don't quite match up to him in these areas.
Besides Paul's talents, hard work and handy-man-ness, I LOVE watching him play with Taya - it's a good thing one of us can loosen up around her - (don't know if I'll say this next time he's flipping her around or feeding her chips or ice cream) ... I love Paul's athenticity and down-to-earth sense, and his sense of humor. I appreciate Paul's friendliness and ability to make people feel comfortable. I wish the post would have allowed me to post some of the old pics that I wanted to like crazy faced pics of Paul from a crazy face picture session of his family.
You are thirty Paul! It's exciting! Older and wiser (we'll see ;)!
Happy Birthday Paul!! (Who says you can't celebrate all month?)
So guess who Paul is told he looks like? ..........

Monday, April 7, 2008
Harris Family Reunion 2008

Meet these beautiful girls who are about to turn into young women -- too soon! : Hannah & Sophie -- It was decided years ago that Sophie is a little clone copy of me, do you think so? (Even in personality she is similar, the differences? She's gorgeous & doesn't have snaggle teeth like I did at that age, & she is much more confident and kind that I was at that age too).
We had a GREAT family reunion!!!! Now if I could just move to Encinitas, CA.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Giveaway Flo'eth!!
When we visited the Avey's a little while back in the postpartum room after they had little Luc, Denise said 'So when are you taking us to Flo's?' since she had come SO close in Jana's giveaway (here is the original Giveaway Post: I was afraid if I said we wanted to use the Flo's gift certificate ONLY for ourselves, I might get my head bit off by a 'I just had my baby, now give me my money! .. I mean, my Flo's gift certificate! Denise' ..... Okay, okay Denise, you were nice enough to bring your camera, take these pics and send them to me (2x) and now you say, why is she painting this picture of me? Uhhh, I just can't think of other ways to be entertaining! So, don't worry, we just knew we couldn't not take you when you came so close in the giveaway running and we hadn't doubled in too long! We miss you! Why did you move again? Cause that really stinks.
Anyhow, back to the night of Flo's: well, once we figured out that Flo's apparently has two locations both located off of the same main road and that the Avey's were at one locale and we at the other, and after the Avey's followed the directions given from the restaurant workers which led them to a dead end and around again, we met up, and had a blast of a time! We teared up laughing at each of our VERY embarrassing stories (but readers, you don't get to hear that part) - except Denise - We didn't hear one of yours did we? Ahhh, next time. We'll get it out of you. We were also graced by the presence of a lady with her 5 year old daughter who wanted to come see Taya & Luc. We were 'graced' with their presence even past the time that we received our food and wanted to start eating, but felt awkward, yet we dove into our food anyway, and just let this lady and her daughter have at our babies (as long as we get them back at the end of the night right? -- ;) ) ....... We had delectable (you have to use words like this when describing restaurant dishes) Lettuce Wraps & Soup to start with, then followed it with multi-textured, light and airy dishes (more food critic-type words) (despite Chinese food's tendency to feel heavy) like Cashew Chicken, Honey Chicken, and Sweet & Sour Chicken (love our chicken!) (am I remembering our order right Denise?). It was VERY good, er .. I mean delectable, multi-textured and light and airy. I would definitely recommend Flo's, and the prices were actually a lot better than I anticipated. The location we went to was great too (the Avey's have been to other locales and said they really liked this one). It is in a development that was designed by the Architecture Firm that Paul works for and so we walked around for a little while afterward and Seth & Denise humored us while Paul pointed out some of the architectural details that he loves about this development of shops, restaurants, offices, etc. (it was designed way before he joined the firm so he can do this more rightfully). Then Denise had a realization moment when she said, 'You're PASSIONATE about what you do Paul!' And Paul laughed -- 'uhhh, yes, yes I am'. And I said, YES, YES HE IS. Very few people know what they want to do in High School and are actually doing it 12-15 years later. He loves it, and I am so glad for him. But anyway, I just thought that was a funny moment, but this is getting a little side-tracked.
Oh yes, and by the way Seth? That girl? -- She's not real. Just so you know. .... Weren't you a little afraid to kiss a girl whose head was almost 2x as large as yours anyway? I hope you're not too crushed.