What am I doing in that picture?
Check out my post below if you feel like imaginatively transporting yourself to a nice place!
What am I doing in that picture?
Check out my post below if you feel like imaginatively transporting yourself to a nice place!
When we were visiting Paul's parents in Southern California last summer, we came across the LA Original Farmer's Market - we will definitely be back! If you live in LA or visit LA, you should go! There was every kind of food imaginable from Brazilian to Cajun to Mediterranean to ... everything!, along with ample produce, nuts, baked goods, you name it! I was in heaven!
(So do you think you can fill the comment room with 27 comments? My friend Marie did it successfully last week for her 26th birthday - 26 comments - can I copy her? I don't know ... she's awfully popular & deserving of it)
Photo courtesy of Jana's beautiful skilz, Taya - 9 months
Oh, and what do you think - should we try this ATTENTION concept with our husbands and other loved ones? Do you think it would bring great results? Instead of Stop, Drop & Roll, we could say, Stop, Drop & Pay Attention! Ok, so I just took it too far.
Taya turned 18 months last week. One of the biggest steps for 18 months for Taya is that she is now old enough to join the children's nursery group during church. Because she is gregarious (inserted like a 2nd grade school assignment), she was not scared of entering a big room full of kids one bit. She loved it! (Though I hope she doesn't become too dominant - maybe a nice way of saying pushy - of a toodling toddler for the other kids!)
Another fun thing about Taya starting nursery is that I was recently asked to be in charge of music for our church primary & nursery kids (Primary Chorister). I was a little weary of how entertaining I could possibly be for all the kids, but I think I am already having fun with it so far. But what this means is that I get to go into nursery where Taya is at for a short music time each week, so I love to see her in that setting, following me more as a music leader than her mom, or at least some combination of the two.
Taya is becoming more & more skilled with baby sign language, using it to communicate without me prompting her, so I love it! Taya loves signing more, eat, drink, please, thank you, love you, doggie, baby, bird, potty, and some others. She loves to speak some of these words too along with others, but my favorite word that she says right now is 'bubbles'. Well, okay, I love it when she says 'uh oh', 'eyes' or 'whoa' among others too! She's kind of funny when she says 'eyes' because she points to her eyes, but doesn't know not to poke her own eye - so she's always squinting to prepare for her eye poke.
A few other things Taya loves are: toothbrushes (sneaking into bathrooms whenever she can, climbing on the counters & grabbing all toothbrushes in sight - uh, it's kind of a problem), climbing anything and everything (also kind of a problem!), bubbles, Ring Around the Rosies (the falling down part!), and any kind of social interaction, especially saying 'Hi' & 'Bye' to everyone.
I can't believe she is already 18 months!
Love you T-T-T-Taya!!!
(I was hoping that I would have the rights to say 'Boo Yah!' today after the Super Bowl results, but unfortunately I don't have that right. Shuxy Darn. Poor Arizona. Poor Cardinals. Exciting game though!)