Thursday, January 27, 2011

Can you overdocument an Anniversary?

We recently celebrated our 6th Wedding Anniversary.  Paul took me (with a lil' wifey hint, hint) to a unique Phoenix restaurant he found called St. Francis.  We had my brother's family watch Taya, and Dyllan accompanied us.  I tried to doll on up & off we went.  Yummo food, killer atmosphere (hence the abundance of pictures), and one & only type of company.  My only complaint was trying to ignore my knarly sinus infection headache/achy muscle symptoms ... but ignore I did  (sort of) & enjoy I did. 
Thanks Paul for a night on the town.  You know I love 'em.  And you.  Most definitely, you.

(50mm lenses make a tight self-portrait fit!)

The Good.

The Bad.

And the ugly.

Paul teased that those latter two are his favorites & for that, he gets a funky photo posted as well :)
His salmon was our favorite of the night.  It was perfect.

Actually, Dyllan's cheeks could have been the best thing to chew on all night.  Don't you just want to bite them?  ... softly I might add (as if I meant vigorously ...).

A little design admiration ...

A little vanity ...
(a lot of vanity actually, I don't think any post except my birth story has involved more pictures of myself, but I say it's a good thing for us moms.)
And a little more design admiration ... warped as it is.
This was a great night!  I can't believe it's been 6 years.  Every year feels like that though.  6 sounds closer to 10 (I know, just barely) & 10 will have just flown by like that. 
Thanks for the strength, dedication, laughs, fatherhood, husbandhood, & the love Loaf.

So can you overdocument an Anniversary?  Yes.  But can you like it?  Hope so. 

(On a side note, I love going to one of a kind places like this.  No more expensive than Cheesecake Factory or P.F. Changs, but everything is a first time experience.  There are a ton of unique restaurants in this valley.  We love finding them when we have an occassion to).

**This has been edited now.  Thanks for the photo HTML tip Lauren!**


Breanne said...
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Caitlyn said...

Happy Anniversary you guys! You look fabulous, Breanne. Dyllan does look like Tiffany's baby pictures (from what I remember). I'm glad you had a fun night out on the town!

Lauren said...

Is your hair really red? It's hard to tell but I love the color it looks it all the restaurant pics. You should totally dye it that color. It looks pretty in the first two pics too but not many people can pull off red and you can. Gorgeously.

p.s. To fix your pictures, if you want to, go to the "edit html" option. In the middle of the code for each picture, you'll see something that looks like this:
width: 400px; height: 300px;
Change it to this:
width: 300px; height: 400px;

You may have to play around with the ratio but if it's a digital camera shot, I believe they're all the 3:4 aspect and the code I gave you should fix it.

Shannon said...

I'm glad you had fun with a new experience and congrats on the anniversary!
I love the picture of you and Dyllan by the fireplace. So precious!

Breanne said...
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Breanne said...

Ha. There are still 1 or 2 pics still somewhat warped. My shoulders look like a linebacker's.

Thanks for the anniversary wishes!
And Lauren - remember me with died auburn hair throughout college? Yeah, those were fun days. I've had my own hair color with no dye or highlights for a year or two now. It's been kinda nice & worry free actually. Sometimes I think about getting super subtle highlights, but I con myself out of it every time for cost & upkeep sake. It must be the restaurant lighting and/or camera white balance adding the redhead effect :)

Lauren said...

I do remember. You were very brave. Don't do anything to you hair then.

Something else must be wrong with the pics then. I've told you all my html knowledge so I'm useless at this point. You could try re-uploading them.

Jessica said...

You are guys are so stinkin gorgeous! (I picked stinkin up from Dave-blame him.) Looks like a fun evening. I would like to make a list of some of those great places to eat here in the Valley because Dave and I are far too stuck in;)

Janalee said...

you look so gorgie-worgies in that first picture.

and I love Paul's GQ-fire shot, so perfect.

The only bad part was...Paul's salmon looks completely raw to me.

Breanne said...

Aawwww, gee thanks.

Ha, that salmon does look raw. However, it was just right.

'gorgie-worgies' ... funny